How You Can Help - BCW INC

A 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit Organization
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How You Can Help

Butler County Warbirds counts on the support of its friends and members. Support can take the form of monetary donations, volunteer work, or various supplies and materials (fuel, oil, building supplies, etc). If you are interested in making any type of contribution, please contact us at (513)-702-3062 or e-mail The best ways to help our organization are explained below.
Financial Contributions
You can make a donation in person while our hangar is open to the public or you can mail a donation to the address below. Make checks out to Butler County Warbirds, Inc.

Butler County Warbirds
1707 Run Way
Middletown, OH, 45042

You can also donate via Paypal. We also have a recurring Individual Membership Plan that comes with additional benefits.
Artifact Donations & Loans
We are always looking for both military and homefront artifacts from armed conflicts of old. The bulk of our artifacts are from WWII, and we are eager to expand our artifacts from all other armed conflicts involving the U.S. and others. We will write a tax letter to anyone who donates an item to BCW. We also take artifacts and displays on loan. If you have any documents that you think would go well in our display but do not wish to loan or donate them, we can photocopy these items for display. We have several photocopies on display of authentic photographs, documents, newspapers, and even personal letters.
All Rights reserved. Butler County Warbirds, Inc.
No unauthorized use or reproduction without written permission from BCW INC.
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