Ride Information
Aircraft & Rides

1941 Aeronca L-3E
$109.00 / 30 minute ride
$109.00 / 30 minute ride
There is a maximum passenger weight limit of 170 lbs in this aircraft, and we cannot accomodate any more due to minimum fuel requirements per flight. We can only accommodate one person at a time in this aircraft.
Due to the design limitations of this aircraft, no flights will be conducted in winds above 20 Kts.

1943 Fairchild PT-19
$249.00 / 30 minute ride
There is a basic passenger weight limit of 260lbs. We can only accommodate one person at a time in this aircraft.
The engine on this aircraft uses a very heavy weight oil. When it's cold, it does not flow very well. Pre-heating helps, but it doesn't help as well as on a smaller plane. Therefore, no flights will be conducted below 40 degrees fahrenheit. We also do not fly passenger flights in this plane in any precipitation, or winds above 20 Kts.

1972 Grumman AA-5
$149.00 / 30 minute ride
Up to 3 passengers can enjoy a sight-seeing tour. The combined weight of all passengers cannot exceed 435 lbs. However, larger people can be accommodated with advance notice for fuel planning purposes. Please understand that weight and balance limitations may restrict where the passengers can sit in the aircraft.. Additional time can be purchased to see sights farther from the airport. The individual sitting up front may have the opportunity to take the controls to get a feel for general aviation flying.
The combined weight of all passengers cannot exceed 435 lbs. However, larger people can be accommodated with advance notice for fuel planning purposes. Please understand that weight and balance limitations may restrict where the passengers can sit in the aircraft.
Rules For All Flights
Prices shown for our flights are for flights that occur while our museum is open (Saturdays and Sundays). Flights can be scheduled Monday through Friday, but an additional fee is charged to compensate flight school staff for call-out.
There is no minimum or maximum age limit and we encourage the participation of children in our rides. For our military aircraft, we can provide rides to children so long as they can safely be secured to their seat using the safety belts installed in the aircraft. Booster/car seats cannot be used in our military aircraft. For our civilian, multi-passenger aircraft, children that require a booster/car seat in a motor vehicle are required to utilize them in the airplane. We recommend smaller children utilize a booster seat in the backseat of the aircraft to enhance their ability to see outside the aircraft during flight. Parents may not hold small children on their laps during the flight.
Rides are non-stop, and must start and end at the same airport.
Dress weather appropriate. It's better to have a coat/hat/gloves and not need them, than need and not have them. Only our Grumman AA-5 aircraft has cabin heating capability.
All passengers must be in good health and have no conditions which flying might cause further health concerns. If any passengers require any assistance getting in and out of the aircraft, please notify our staff when you schedule your flights so we can determine if the passenger can participate.
No pilots license or previous flight experience required for any rides. If you do have a license, you are welcome to bring your logbook and if your pilot is also a flight instructor, they will be happy to endorse the flight in your logbook. Please specify whether or not you wish to log the flight when you call to schedule it so we can assure your pilot is a certificated flight instructor.
If you have any questions about your flight being weather cancelled, please call prior to your departure from home. We might be in the air, so leave a message. We'll call you if it is a definite cancel. If you haven't heard from us, assume your flight is on. Please understand that the weather in Ohio changes quickly and often. On any given day we fly until the weather prevents us from doing so. Occasionally, a flight gets cancelled at the last minute. We are happy to reschedule you.
Deal Site & Gift Certificate Redemption Rules
Expired certificates will be honored, but an additional fee will be charged.
Customer cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment time will be charged an additional fee equal to 1/2 of the promotional value of your certificate for a reschedule. If you NO CALL/NO SHOW on your appointment, it will result in an additional fee being charged equal to the full promotional value of your certificate for a reschedule.
If your flight gets cancelled due to weather/safety of flight considerations, there are no additional fees assessed and your certificate expiration date will be extended 30 days to accommodate a reschedule.