Mission - BCW INC

A 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit Organization
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AT-6 Acquisition Project
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Butler County Warbirds is partnering with Tailwheel Aviation LLP and the Middletown Community Foundation to promote advancement of women in the aviation industry. After 3 years of planning, in OCT 2022, we began taking donations and investment money towards the acquisition of a North American AT-6 Texan. The Texan was a 1940s and early 1950s military training aircraft that was used to teach most of the military pilots of WWII and the Korean War advanced flying principles. Our interests in it are specifically related to their use to train the WASPs, the famous Women's Air Force Service Pilots of WWII. BCW's friend, Betty Stagg-Turner was one of those lady flyers. As a graduating member of Class 44W-9, one of Betty's favorite memories was of her time in the AT-6. Therefore, we thought it fitting to honor her memory and use this historic aircraft to fund the Betty Stagg-Turner Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to women and used to assist ladies in starting or advancing their aviation careers.

The benefit of using contributions and investment capital to purchase an aircraft, then selling rides to fund the Scholarship program is that it will be a steady income stream. This will generate more money that will last far longer than the initial investment would have. Once the aircraft has been procured and added to the museum's letter of authorization to perform sight seeing rides, we will start an advertising campaign promoting the rides, focusing on the program that it will benefit. The actual amount donated from each ride will be determined by the market and operational expenses of the plane.

For information on how to join us as an investor (including seeing the business plan), please contact BCW President Tim Epperhart at 513-702-3062 or tim@bcwarbirds.com.
All Rights reserved. Butler County Warbirds, Inc.
No unauthorized use or reproduction without written permission from BCW INC.
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